Title: The Parable of the Hidden Treasure
Subject: The Kingdom of Heaven
Age: 3 to 10 years
Liturgical Time: Epiphany, before Lent, or during other ordinary time
Prerequisites: Parable of the Precious Pearl, Parable of the Mustard Seed, Parable of the Leaven
Doctrinal Content: The Kingdom of Heaven is extremely valuable and precious.
Direct Aim: The direct aim of this lesson is to proclaim the words of Jesus, "The Kingdom of Heaven is of priceless value."
Indirect Aim: This lesson aims also to educate in order to cause the child to wonder; to deepen the child's awareness of the Kingdom of Heaven.
Sources: Matthew 13:44 and pod-casts of Fr. Evan Armatas
Materials for the Lesson:
Candles, matches, and snuffer
The Lesson Plan:
Gather and settled the children, and begin with, "When Jesus walked on earth, He spoke about many things. Sometimes he spoke about the Kingdom of God (heaven)." Review other parables the children have heard. If the children have not been introduced to parables do so now, or review what a parable is before continuing. You can use the information on parables in the Orthodox Study Bible, see the Parables lesson/article.
Continue with, "I'm going to read from the Bible about one of those times Jesus spoke about the Kingdom of God. This parable is about a treasure." Read Matthew 13:44 aloud. Ask the children the following questions:
- What was found? (a treasure)
- Where was it? (in the ground)
- What does the person do with it? (buries it again, and sells all he has to buy the field)
- How does he feel? (joyful)
Jesus compares the Kingdom of Heaven to this treasure. Ask the class, "Can you find it right away?" No, we must search. Ask, "What does Jesus want us to know? He wants us to know that the Kingdom of Heaven is a treasure that must be searched for and gives one joy. It is valuable." You can connect this parable with that of the Precious Pearl.
For discussion, you might as the children, "What would you like to tell Jesus about this Kingdom that is so valuable and brings such joy? You may speak to Him aloud or silently in your heart."
Art response: Illustrate this parable
Copy the scripture onto card stock
Alternative but similar lesson plan:
Title: The Parable of the Hidden Treasure
Subject: The Kingdom of Heaven
Age: 3 to 10 years
Liturgical Time: Epiphany, before Lent, or during other ordinary time.
Prerequisites: Parable of the Precious Pearl, Parable of the Mustard Seed, Parable of the Leaven
Doctrinal Content: We proclaim kingdom of God as a gift with greater value and beauty than anything else we can receive.
Direct Aim: This lesson aims to reflect on the power of God and his work in his Kingdom and to nurture an understanding that God's transformative powers are always present even when we can't see them.
Indirect Aim: Indirect aims of this lesson include to lay the groundwork for understanding the Kingdom of Heaven; to nurture a love for God and His gift; to inspire wonder in the Kingdom on God; to inspire a response of praise, love, and gratitude towards God; to discover we are not the source of this power; to increase a reverence for life and to lay a foundation for moral formation based on the love and joy of the kingdom.
Materials for the Lesson:
The scripture booklet with the words of the parable; Matthew 13:44
Tracing packet (refer to materials manual)
Bible, candle, match, snuffer and rug or table
The Lesson Plan:
Gather and settle the children. Set up the introduction to the Parables as you did before, reminding the children that God's love permeates everything and yet it is hidden. Conduct your review of the previous Parables. Say, "Do you remember listening to some parables about the Kingdom of God? We've learned all sorts of things about the Kingdom of Heaven…A parable tells us about one thing, but it's telling about something else. God must really want us to know about the Kingdom of Heaven, He tells us many stories. We've heard the Mustard Seed, the Precious Pearls, His kingdom is so valuable. The merchant searched so hard to find that precious pearl. In the parable of the Leaven, we learned that we don't see it but so powerful, it transforms. We're going to listen to a parable/story about a treasure hidden in a field. Let's see what happens."
Light the candle and leave it burning throughout the meditation. Read Matthew 13:44, then ask the class the following questions:
- Who's in this parable? (A man)
- What happens? (He finds a treasure in a field, hidden.)
- What happened when he found it? (He was full of joy.)
- What does he do? (Sells everything to buy the field.)
- Why does he want to buy the field? (He wants to have the treasure.)
- Do you think it was like he came across a great gift he didn't expect?
- Why did he hide the treasure again? (It was very valuable, he wanted to protect it and keep it somewhere special.)
Continue with, "There's a lot to think about. You can trace the bible verse or draw a picture. Would you find great joy if you found this treasure, the Kingdom of Heaven?"
Trace prayer card
draw picture
Notice: This lesson plan utilizes training and the general philosophy/method of the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd program. Materials found in this document, however, have been created specifically to incorporate the theology and dogmatic teaching of the Orthodox Church. The author of this lesson offers special recognition to Mrs. JoAnne Padget, CGS Instructor, who provided instruction and guidance in the CGS method. The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd program requires intensive study and strongly recommends that teachers using their program enroll in and complete coursework through an authorized CGS instructor. More information about CGS is available at http://www.cgsusa.org.